Balance, Hopes, Pregnancy

Writing While Pregnant

One of my biggest fears about motherhood was I would lose my writing identity. Sure, I follow plenty of women writers who find ways to make it work, but I also heard story after story of how motherhood changes you. No time, little rest, more important priorities.

While true motherhood is at least a few months away, I already feel these shifts I dreaded, as writing has taken a backseat to other activities, such as napping, cleaning, preparing, resting some more. What I did not expect, however, is a calm to come with these changes. Instead of lamenting my lost writing time, I feel more present, still, and content. Time has already gained a sort of elastic quality, where less occurs in more time, as though the minutes are stretched, the actions slowed, hours somehow disappearing with little done.

Other things have fallen by the wayside, too. Yoga now means a few minutes of stretching and breathing at various points in the day, instead of my before-treasured blocks of hours. Again, there is a peace in this. Instead of panicking over a loss in identity, I feel a reassurance that these pieces of myself will return in time, or perhaps just exist in more fragmented but highly-treasured moments.

I realized recently, I write to escape and create a space of contentment. With pregnancy, my urge to escape has diminished, my ability to be content in simple moments has improved. Likewise, my thoughts I used to share so freely suddenly feel much more private, more difficult to share. Even so, I love that feeling of progress, as pages of writing become clean and stronger, blog posts emerge out of thin air, and connections are made across this electronic universe. Today I write to say I am still here, just a little quieter than before.

For those of you haven't hear already, we're excited to welcome a little (human) girl to our family this March.
For those of you haven’t heard, we’re excited to welcome a little (human) girl to our family this March.

8 thoughts on “Writing While Pregnant”

  1. What a beautiful post Olivia! I think we hear so often–don’t lose yourself in parenting…when in fact the change in who we are is actually quite a beautiful thing. You only know what is best for you and your family and how you rest, write, and anything else. I appreciate you honoring this extremely special time in your life. xo


    1. Haha, please don’t be embarrassed! I hardly post anymore– and, I’m pretty sure I miss everyone else’s blogs about 75% of the time now πŸ˜‰ Thanks for the congrats!


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